1.But violent crime rates remain high in townships and rural areas where unemployment and alcoholism run deep and life is often cheap.
2.If you want there to be renewal and recovery, like we all do, you got to crack down on violent crime.
3.About its economic viability, about the corruption and violent crime that have marred Kosovo since the end of the war.
4.There isn't much violent crime in a small town like Green Ville, or at least not as much as in large urban areas.
5.It found that adults suffering from schizophrenia are 14 times more likely to be victims of a violent crime than to be arrested for one.
6.top Violent crime is only one of the maladies afflicting modern society.
7.Violent crime is only one of the maladies afflicting modern society.
8.Among them, violent crime is a very striking phenomenon of China's current criminal activities, with a great social harm.
9.The British Crime Survey (BCS), an official annual questionnaire, suggests that violent crime has fallen dramatically in recent years.
10.Beijing's report, gathered from a variety of international news sources, lambastes an increase in violent crime in the U. S.